Design Eye-Catching Storefront Signs That Attract New Customers
When you think about marketing and branding, you can’t beat online marketing. Sleek websites and social media engagement is a big focus for businesses brand awareness. That doesn’t mean you should ignore storefront signs, though.
Storefront signs are an indispensable way to introduce your business and attract new customers. Consider the following to design an eye-catching storefront sign that is recognizable and will attract customers:
Why Design a Storefront Sign?
You know what they say about first impressions? Think of your sign as an introduction to new customers. An eye-catching sign should help brand your business so that is easily identifiable. Your first impression should be attractive to new clients and encourage sales.
Your sign is almost like a beacon for your business, letting customers find you easily. Think about how notable large company branding can be. Everyone recognizes the golden arches of a McDonald’s location. You don’t even need to see a word—the sign alone is enough!
Colour Counts
The colour of your sign should match or speak to your overall branding. Consider solid, bold colours that stand out. Although you may be tempted to use less traditional tones for something that reflects your personality, it is best to avoid getting too unique. Opt for longevity instead of trendiness. Otherwise, your storefront signs risk becoming dated.
When choosing colour, consider contrast. Light lettering on a dark background or the other way around will make your sign more readable and welcoming. Avoid background graphics that clutter your sign and reduce recognisability. It’s also best to go for a clean legible font.
You might be tempted to choose trending fonts or something that speaks more to your personality, but remember that a sign should be more universal. This will help solidify your brand.
Just the Right Size
The size of your sign is also important. Anything too small and your storefront won’t be noticed. Anything too large and you risk the sign overwhelming your storefront and looking tacky. Consider distance when choosing the right size for your sign. Your sign should be legible from up close, but also at a distance. If your sign can be seen from a distance, then your brand has already reached a new customer before they’re at your door.
Your storefront sign is often the first impression your clients have of your business. It is important to make sure that impression is welcoming and conveys longevity. This will help your customers trust in your products and services and will be a building block to returning customers.